Underwriting Service Update

As we continue to be transparent on the current state of service, here is an update on Prudential’s Service & Underwriting: In November we moved to a goal of reviewing 90% or more of ARR (All Requirements Received) files within five days of receipt. With the VUL repricing deadlines and the completion of year-end business, we struggled to reach this goal. With blitzes, focus days, and an extraordinary effort by our teams, we are now in the range of 70 – 75% of our ARR files within five days. That still leaves more cases outside of standard than we’d like, and we continue to take steps to get back to the service levels we want to provide. With addition of staff, and continued strong efforts by the teams, we will continue to improve service and get to goal. Thank you for your support and patience as we strive to move as many files as possible, and convert them to policies ready to be placed.