An IUL that Offers More

You’ve heard how competitive North American’s indexed universal life (IUL) insurance products are. But here’s an added bonus—living benefits for no additional charge.

Fewer than half of the top 2021 IUL carriers offer both critical and chronic accelerated death benefits for no additional upfront charge. Our IUL offers more. Why does this matter to you and your clients?

  1. Clients can get more out of their life insurance policy.
  2. No additional upfront cost–clients don’t pay unless they use the benefit.
  3. Your clients don’t have to decide if they want these benefits when applying. If they qualify for living benefits, they’re included!

Learn more about how living benefits can solve for the cost of care, plus view a chronic illness acceleration example. 

Get access to seven new social media posts to share about the importance of living benefits as part of a life insurance policy.