September 2023 Software Updates

At American National, we are dedicated to delivering a consistent stream of high-quality solutions tailored to your needs. As a testament to this commitment, we would like to inform you about the latest Life & Annuity Distribution Software Updates available.

Firelight Annuity E-Application September 2023 Release

ITEM ONE: 10981-FLACOMP Cleanup (9/13)

Additional cleanup of the 10981-FLACOMP form data, specifically focusing on prefilling three values.

ITEM TWO: Clear out EFT Data when Copying a Case (9/13)

As part of our ongoing efforts to streamline processes and enhance efficiency, we have made an update regarding case duplication. From now on, agents will be required to reenter bank information when copying a case to a new application. This change aligns with our progress towards implementing additional features when it comes to EFT payments.

ITEM THREE: Fixed Annuitant Signing Ceremony for Non-Natural Owners (9/13)

We have resolved the issue where the annuitant signing ceremony was not triggering for non-natural owners.

ITEM FOUR: Removed New York from Jurisdiction Selection (9/13)

Previously, New York agents had the ability to select New York, which resulted in a MYG product appearing as available, when it should not. However, we have made the necessary changes and New York is no longer an option for jurisdiction selection.

ITEM FIVE: Reordered Suitability Question 20b and Updated Logic (9/13)

We have made improvements to question 20b on the Suitability Questionnaire to minimize confusion. The questions revised were:

“Is the source of funds an existing life or annuity contract?”

“Is the person writing the check someone other than the annuity owner?”

ITEM SIX: CA Elder Care form 9076-B- Spouse Signature (9/13)

We have added a message to provide clarification regarding the requirement of a wet signature for the Spouse on the California Elder Care Form 9076-B, if applicable.

ITEM SEVEN: Fixed Various Typos (9/13)

We have resolved multiple typos in the frontend wizard to ensure consistency.

ITEM EIGHT: Removed Special Characters from Beneficiary Percentage Fields (9/13)

Previously, inputting a percentage sign in the percentage field was causing errors when the application file passed through our internal systems. This issue required a manual update to rectify. However, by removing special characters, this problem has been resolved.

ITEM NINE: Non-Natural Owner- Signing on Behalf of Question (9/13)

Moving forward, when a policy has a non-natural owner, the answer “Yes” will be automatically preselected for the question “Is someone signing on behalf of the owner?” This ensures that we gather the necessary identification information for the Patriot Act form and trigger the appropriate signing ceremony.

ITEM TEN: ACORD (transfer form) Acceptance Question prefill (9/13)

Previously, there was an error where a question on the ACORD transfer form was mistakenly completed by the agent instead of American National. To address this issue, the answer to this question will now be automatically pre-filled with the information already inputted by the agent during the application process. It is important to note that this pre-filled answer cannot be edited.

ITEM ELEVEN: Name Fields Only Accepting Apostrophes and Hyphens (9/13)

To ensure smooth processing of policies, the name fields will now only accept letters, apostrophes, and hyphens. We have made this change because special characters were causing difficulties in American National’s ability to receive PDFs of policies.

ITEM TWELVE: Removed Special Characters from the Annuitant Names Fields (9/8)

We have recently made a backend change to address the issue of ANICO not receiving PDFs of policies.

ITEM THIRTEEN: Corrected Rider Fees Prefilling with Incorrect Percentages (9/8)

Previously, there was an issue where the rider fee was incorrectly prefilling the premium amount as the fee amount. However, we are pleased to inform you that this issue has been resolved, and now the percentage is being calculated accurately.