Life New Business & Underwriting Current Service Times

I hope you were able to take time to enjoy the Thanksgiving holiday. I’d like to extend our thanks and appreciation to each of you—for your perseverance, patience, and partnership during this extraordinary year. 

  • In the midst of a pandemic, you adapted your business practices on the fly. You continued to prioritize your client needs and helped over 90,000 individuals get the coverage they need.
  • You made the best of some challenging times when our time service was significantly stressed.
  • Then, when we introduced temporary changes to help get time service back in line more quickly, you adopted and supported the measures.

Now, I have good news to share! Most new business and underwriting processes have returned to normal time service levels. We’re well-positioned to get all of your business that meets the guarantee guidelines issued and paid by year-end. And be on the lookout for a communication from us in the upcoming weeks regarding informal application submissions in 2021.

As an organization, we’ve learned a lot this year. Many of the efficiency practices implemented will be permanent and will benefit you and your clients long-term. This gives us great optimism for an outstanding 2021!

Thank you for your support and business. Stay safe.