Retirement Readiness and FIAs Go Hand in Hand

While the current low interest environment is great for mortgages and other debt consumers may hold, it can mean something different for your clients’ retirement nest eggs.

The combination of extremely low interest rates, increased market volatility and the growing need for lifetime income strategies has positioned Fixed Indexed Annuities (FIAs) as a growing player in the retirement plan toolbox. These market forces are leading astute plan sponsors and their advisors to include FIAs in their retirement plan offerings.

This Annuity Awareness Month and beyond, use our new marketing flyer and Verity Asset Management White Paper to share with your clients the importance of having a diversified retirement plan by adding a FIA to their 403(b) or 457(b).

Here are 3 compelling reasons why: 

  1. There is more growth potential. With an FIA, clients are not directly participating in any stock or equity investments. Instead, interest is credited based in-part on the change of a market index, such as the S&P 500. This means your clients have greater interest crediting potential in an up market, but never lose value in a down market due to market declines.1
  2. It provides downside protection. With increased market volatility, it’s critical to ensure your client’s nest egg is protected when the market index is down. FIAs are structured so that if the index is down, they may not earn any interest, but your cash value won’t decline due to market conditions. This means they will never earn less than 0%.
  3. An FIA can guarantee your clients with a stream of income during retirement, supplementing their pension and helping to close their retirement income gap. According to the Insured Retirement Institute, 95% of consumers are very or somewhat interested in owning an annuity that provides a guaranteed income each month.


1Assuming no withdrawals during the withdrawal charge period. Rider charges continue to be deducted regardless of whether interest is credited.
2Why Most Consumers Want Guaranteed Lifetime Income, Financial Advisor, Feb. 25, 2020