Do What’s Right: A Good Philosophy When it Comes to IULs

“Do what’s right.” That’s what we teach our children, hoping that when they’re faced with life choices, their moral compass will point them in the right direction. AG49-A has recently been enacted to help eliminate the “illustration wars” on IUL products, but we’ve all seen competitors introducing products designed to continue “playing the game.”

What are you going to do? Are you going to recommend the product that illustrates best because the carrier is still playing the game? Or, are you going to recommend a product based on the merits of the product’s features?

At Mutual of Omaha, it’s more important to us to provide your clients with a straightforward product they can understand, to have a low-cost policy, and to provide features that add value, such as our GRO rider and our Accelerated Benefit Riders, at no additional cost.

We’ve always provided you with a solid IUL product that you can feel good recommending. We’re not going to change our IUL products just to play the game.

Learn more about our straightforward, client-friendly IULs in our portfolio overview flyer and by visiting