Resources and Insights on Business Valuations — and Much More!

Many small business owners do not know the value of their enterprise, even though it may be one of their largest assets. Yet a business valuation becomes important at certain times, for example when selling the business or in the event of an owner’s death. From a life insurance-planning perspective, the value of a business is also an integral part of succession planning, estate equalization and even estate-tax planning. To help you assist your business-owner clients in determining the value of their businesses, John Hancock Advanced Markets has rounded up the following resources:

  1. Advanced Markets Blog: Business Valuation — “Knowledge is Power” explores some of the opportunities — especially with potential legislative changes on the horizon — that entail the need for business valuations.
  2. Because You Asked: Business Valuation — outlines the various methodologies that can be used in valuing a business. (You can share this flyer with other centers of influence and clients.)
  3. Concept Corner Video: Business Valuation — this quick video walks you through our JH Business Valuation Calculator.