Help More Customers Prepare for the Future With Living Benefits

Three distinct solutions

Living a long life — and enjoying many years in retirement — is a major goal for a lot of your clients, and it requires careful planning that goes beyond a one-size-fits-all approach. That’s why John Hancock gives you three distinct solutions to help your life insurance clients prepare for future uncertainties. 

Long-Term Care rider — maximum coverage, not limited by IRS per diem

  • Clients’ primary concern is paying for LTC and providing the greatest income tax-free coverage for a cost-effective premium

NEW! Indemnity Chronic Illness rider  maximum benefit flexibility, no restriction on use

  • Clients concerned about needing care and the ability to control how they use their benefits

Accelerated Death Benefit for Chronic Illness rider  the backup plan with discounted payments on the back end

  • Clients focused on other needs, wanting the option of income tax-free access to the death benefit, if those needs change