Annual Notice of Advertising Pre-Approval Procedures

As indicated in Gerber Life’s Compliance Manual, compliance with Gerber Life’s advertising guidelines requires that all agents request Company review and APPROVAL BEFORE USE of any advertising and sales materials that refer to Gerber Life or its products, or are used to sell Gerber Life products. This includes, but is not limited to, any use of the following:

  • Agent created websites and advertising materials
  • Gerber Life’s logo or Company information
  • Product training materials
  • Product/plan rates
  • Print ads
  • Brochures
  • Sales emails
  • Sales scripts
  • Use of Rate Cards on Gerber Life products with Third Party Vendors
  • Postings and comments on Social Media Accounts (e.g., Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and URLS) that make reference to or could be associated with Gerber Life

In addition, advertising provided by Gerber Life has already been approved by the Company. Any change or modification to advertising materials supplied by Gerber Life must also be reviewed and APPROVED by Gerber Life BEFORE USE.

If you have questions regarding this notice or you would like to advertise Gerber Life Insurance products, please send your request for compliance review to: